Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Maybe its me

Ok now im sitting in class with my toddler she is in preschool so the first few days I get to sit with her and be in class with her ok now she goes to a mixed ethnic school there is white blacks and browns in here and I noticed two little black girls with natural hair besides my daughter but jordyns hair is in mega hairballs but the two other girls had twist outs I jusy thought that was sooooo cute and then I started to think the natural movement starts at birth im sure when these little girls grow up in to beautiful black young ladies there hair will be amazing strong healthier and just as long as it wanna be and im glad to see im not the only parent who took the natural hair movement to the youth hopefully this will follow my children's children's and there children's children's then soon the whole black nation of our future...one can only hope are maybe its just me. 


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